Agricultural silos are ubiquitous in the Beauce. This is not surprising for this quintessential cereal region. But more surprising the diversity of these agricultural industrial buildings. In addition, they are unique in shape, size and colors. This makes it a very interesting photographic subject.

One of the first silos I photographed will be the subject of a very special approach. That is to say that I will come back regularly throughout a year to photograph it. And systematically I will place myself in the same place to have an identical framing. For example you have below four of these shots that represent the four different seasons.

The purpose of this approach: you show the evolution of rapeseed cultivation that is in the foreground of the image. First the field has been seeded and there are already some young shoots, it is autumn. Secondly, the plants stagnate throughout the cold period, it is winter. Thirdly the shoot resumes and eventually blooms, it is spring. And fourthly the rapeseed has matured and it is harvested, it is summer. So it is precisely at this time that the silos fill up with grain.

Beauce is traditionally called “the granary of France”. This image alludes to its large cereal production. If you move in this region you can not miss these agricultural silos that dominate the landscape.
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